Craft Livelihoods

Crafting on World Indigenous Day

On World Indigenous Day today, we share a directory of crafts compiled through workshops and in-depth conversations with Indigenous crafters in Guyana.

Our work on Indigenous crafting in Guyana funded by the National Geographic Society has been a love project. Working with people who are so passionate about their craft, who literally cannot stop moving their hands – weaving, potting, spinning – has been an absolute joy.

We’re thrilled to share with you a number of outputs from the project, including a set of three directories.

Today, on World Indigenous Day, we present the first directory of crafts compiled through workshops and in-depth conversations with Indigenous crafters.

This directory presents craft items that have significant livelihood importance and are currently being made and used in Indigenous communities in Guyana:

We hope you enjoy learning about the rich diversity of crafts and Indigenous knowledge still present today!