Cobra All Projects

Participatory video for community led research
This project is working with two community groups in Reading to use participatory video to evaluate how their community-led research projects have impacted community health and wellbeing.

Community journalism in London
We are supporting community journalists in participatory video training and to make short participatory films that explore different community-led projects delivered in Euston, London.

Community-led Climate Initiative
The Community-led Climate Initiative is developing and implementing a model for ensuring citizen engagement at every stage of the policy cycle: shaping ideas, policy designing, delivering practical community-led solutions and monitoring impact.

FIRE-ADAPT (Integrated fire management for climate change)
The aim of the project is to bring together expertise from across the Mediterranean Basin and Latin America for the purpose of improving our understanding of the role of Integrated Fire Management (IFM) for wildfire prevention and for enhancing natural and cultural ecosystem services.

Community Led Research Pilot (CLRP)
This project developed community-led research that is relevant and makes a difference to local areas and lives, and our role was to design an accessible training programme to support partnership working and shared learning.

SMART - Landscape Sensor-based Monitoring Assessment using Remote Technologies
The aim of the project was to champion data sovereignty by transforming accessibility, control and use of environmental monitoring tools for wetland monitoring so that these can be designed, developed and sustained by communities themselves.

Digital storytelling about group food growing
This project investigated the expansion of community food-growing initiatives during the Covid-19 crisis, its benefits along with the social barriers and means to overcome them, especially for more vulnerable marginalised social groups.

Using Augmented Reality to foster dialogue within divided communities in Belfast
This project aimed to develop an accessible augmented reality app in order to help foster constructive dialogue and shared future building between marginalized interface communities in Belfast.

Training - Bonn 2016
As part of the 2016 Development Summer School, at the Department of Geography, University of Bonn, we facilitated a half day workshop on the community owned solutions approach with 30 participants.

Training - Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust 2016
In February 2016, we facilitated a one-day workshop on working with stakeholders and communities to identify and share community owned solutions.

Training - Brussels 2015
In January 2015, we facilitated a one-day training course on how to work with stakeholders and communities to identify and share community owned solutions.

Community Ecodrones
The aim of this project was to to involve communities, in collaboration with local government agencies, to collect and analyse eco-drone captured imagery of local environmental monitoring.