Cobra All Projects

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Exploring Ocean ArtScience through the Exquisite Corpse Process

This project evaluates the art-based asynchronous process of the Exquisite Corpse method as a way of strengthening relationships in communities and inter- or transdisciplinary collaborations.

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FIRE-ADAPT (Integrated fire management for climate change)

The aim of the project is to bring together expertise from across the Mediterranean Basin and Latin America for the purpose of improving our understanding of the role of Integrated Fire Management (IFM) for wildfire prevention and for enhancing natural and cultural ecosystem services.

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Content Development Partner for UN Women Second Chance Education and Vocational Training Programme

This project tested a participatory video approach to the development and contextualisation of online courses targeting the most disadvantaged women across Cameroon, Jordan, India, Mexico, Chile and Australia, in ways that aligned with their cultural and socio-economic contexts.