Roughly 30% of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement include land-based mitigation measures, but there are still significant uncertainties in their effectiveness to deliver negative emissions. Aside from the expected shortfall of all current NDCs to deliver on the below 2°C ambition, this uncertainty adds to the risks to human wellbeing as a result of climate change. Land-use based mitigation technologies (LMTs) can play a crucial role in the global efforts to meet the Paris Agreement goals and the Sustainable Development Goals.
LANDMARC will contribute to climate action in support of the Paris Agreement by providing better estimates of the realistic potential of land-based negative emission solutions in agriculture, forestry, and other land use sectors. This will be done through a combination of earth observation technologies, climate, land-use, and economic simulation models, and a case study approach in 14 countries and 5 continents engaging local and national stakeholders.
The Cobra Collective will lead a case study in Venezuela focusing on the LMT of Indigenous fire management. Working in the Parque Nacional Canaima in Bolívar state, the case study will look at changing polices from fire suppression to intercultural and participative land management that is based on Indigenous fire management and the cooperation of academics and public institutions, and how this can reduce megafires and deforestation.
The case study will build on the Collective’s work on Indigenous fire management and climate change in Venezuela, and open discussions and share lessons to provide the basis for developing continental narratives and scenarios in the Americas.
The project will run from July 2020 until June 2024.
Academic output 2
Technische Universiteit Delft (TUD) and 17 other partners
European Union (Horizon 2020)
Project Website: